Today Tsavo’s Canine Rehab received an unexpected visit from two ladies from the Los Angeles area with their Special Needs German Shepherd “Roxy”. It turns out Roxy, suffering from a spinal injury, was having problems with her cart not rolling properly and wan’t able to get around. Maja and one of Tsavo’s clients rolled up their sleeves to make some adjustments and get Roxy back on her way.
With a borrowed wrench from a next door business, a little ingenuity and a few adjustments, Maja and assistant got Roxy back on the road.
If your pet has any type of current or past injury, Tsavo’s can improve your pets quality of life with an array of treatments that we offer. In a case like this, Roxy still has limited control of her rear legs. If she was to receive Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST), her quality of life would be greatly improved.